Ts of the Day


‘Ellipsis’ is the omission of a word or words from a sentence that are nevertheless obviously understood. An example might be ‘Lift heavy’, meaning ‘You need to lift heavy weights‘. Today, all the T-shirts modelled by muscular beauties are using ellipsis in exactly the same way, omitting the words ‘I am a’.

left: Capucine Leconte (how’s that for a name?!) is a figure competitor from Miami. And a Bad Ass Bombshell, apparently. Actually, Capucine is identifying herself as a member of Team Bombshell, a ridiculously successful figure, fitness and bikini ‘team’ run by former fitness star Shannon Dey (remember her?). If you like what you see here (and I bet you do), you might want to follow her on Twitter (@LuvMyBody), and on You Tube (luvmybod). There’s some ellipsis in those tags too!
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right: She may be the Pride of Britain, but if ever there was an illustration of how tough things can get for female bodybuilders in the UK, even the very top ones, the fact that Rene Campbell has had to take up employment advertising Nando’s is it. Still, it’s not all bad. The South African chicken chain’s decision to use Rene and her muscles to advertise their product is absolutely a step in the right direction. As are those boots, shorts and the way the T has been customised to display as much of Rene as possible. And you can’t fault the description!

We can’t identify this ‘Fitness Goddess’, but we have found out where you can purchase one of these for the fitness goddess in your life, at Fitness Goddess Apparel. For UK fitness goddesses, zazzle.co.uk also have a fitness goddess T, but it doesn’t have the lovely picture, unfortunately. If you are one of the lucky few with a bone fide bodybuilding goddess in your life, zazzle also have a bodybuilding goddess tank top available. And if you are fitness and bodybuilding goddessless, well, enjoy the picture!

left: Missfit Clothing have some of truest, funniest and sexiest slogans imaginable.
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right: And Gym Flow 100 are not far behind either.

If you have a lady who lifts in your life (or wish to shower gifts upon a lady who lifts and who you’d like in your life) both websites are perfect for your needs.

Happy shopping!

Ts of the Day

Cream today. I mean today we have two of the best, two of the current cream of the professional female bodybuilding crop. And their T-shirts. Or vests.

Tina Chandler
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First up, Tina and a message I think we can all get behind. Especially when it’s a message that’s delivered over such a delicious-looking frame. And is it just me or does Tina’s smouldering look to camera on the right seem to say ‘Or else…’

And here she is again, as beautiful and glamorous as ever. Is she powerful? Is she sexy? Is she brave? Are you pumping your fist in the air and saying ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’? Well, you bloody well should be.

Brigita ‘Barbie’ Brezovac
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If Barbie is supposed to represent some kind of ‘ideal’, the more female bodybuilders that assume the mantle, the better. After all, which is the better role model for all those little girls to aspire to? And there’s a proud history of muscle barbies behind Brigita, who, as far as I can tell, is the latest. So the ‘ideal’ now is a beautiful, sexy, massively muscular Euro blond? Nice. Mattel take note.

Ts of the Day


Today’s selection of muscular beauties and their T-shirts is all about the first person…

left: FMS haven’t been able to track down where this vest can be purchased (it’s not a Powerhouse Gym product as far as we can see) but this unknown ‘powerhouse’ certainly seems to have the shoulders (and chest, and thighs) to back up her claim.
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right: Shoulders again to the fore as Cindy Phillips lets us know she’s not short of confidence. Obviously this image was from a few years ago, and although I doubt Cindy has lost any of her confidence, I don’t think her shoulders look quite this good anymore. Last word we had on Cindy was last year when she competed in Physique. Rumours that her and her husband (doubt he’s short of confidence either) were expecting twins popped up on the forums but are unconfirmed.

Michelle E. Russell
It’s official! And as far as we know, Michelle only plans to get bigger. And bigger…

And before you ask…


Ts of the Day

Does this make me look arrogant?

Another week of muscle women and the messages on their T-shirts, starting with Nathalie Foreau in a picture sent in by gwmstaff at the end of the previous Ts of the Day week back in February.


The answer to the question is, for the vast majority of women, going to be a resounding ‘Yes’. Nathalie could make a Weightwatcher’s poster girl feel chubby. It’s an image that encapsulates the kind of arrogance that we all find so damn attractive. Thanks again to gwmstaff for sending it in. And if you have any favourite pics of muscle babes in their T-shirts (vests etc.) please post a link in the comments below or email them to 6ft1swell@gmail.com and I’ll post them all at the end of the week.

Continuing our ‘arrogance’ theme today though, ‘the FBI’ never looked so good!


If you are going to wear this, you’d better have the bod to back it up with, and judging by the little we can see of this muscle babe, she has. I wonder if she receives sponsorship from the Quebec government for wearing this? Once again, FMS is left in awe at the female muscle might of the Canadian nation…

More muscle, beauty and arrogance, and something that only connoisseurs of the muscular female form (like yourself) can truly appreciate : ‘Flex Appeal’. Proper ripped flex appeal too! And the fact she’s making an attempt to wear the T as a dress (a half-hearted attempt but an attempt nonetheless), just makes this all the more appealing I think. I just can’t help imagining that when she lets go of the bottom of that T-shirt it’s going to ping up and reveal some seriously ripped and veiny abs…

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And to finish, beautiful Linnea Berglund from Sweden, who really doesn’t want you to be jealous. Is this for us boys? ‘Don’t be jealous that you can’t have this…’ Or is this intended for women? ‘Don’t be jealous of my body, just be inspired and get to work…’ Or perhaps ‘Don’t be jealous of the way your boyfriend (and every other man in this gym) can’t take his eyes off me…’ Probably it’s all of them and more.

Arrogance. Irritating until it’s displayed by a muscular woman. Then, I love it!

(Female) Muscle Beach of the Day


Seeing all these muscular beauties on the beach this week has given me an idea…

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We’ve just bought one of those huge maps of the world for the office wall, and we’ve already started sticking pins in it that mark the beaches of the world where readers have spotted muscle beauties.

From Australia to the Americas via Asia, from the Med to the Caribbean, the hope is that pretty soon we’ll have the definitive map of the Female Muscle Beach World…


And what are we going to do with this information?

We’re going into the travel business of course!

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Female Muscle Slave Tours will be trading by the end of the year. Bespoke beach holidays for the discerning female muscle head, we can’t guarantee that you’ll plonk your towel next to Alina Popa or Kashma Maharaj, but with our unique system that charts not only where but also when muscle beauties have been spotted, we can certainly maximise your chances.


Call today for a free brochure.


The guy on the left in the red shorts? Our first satisfied customer.

(Female) Muscle Beach of the Day

If you’re sceptical that you can find the kind of beautiful muscular women featured this week on a beach near you, you have good reason to be. How many of us have actually spotted a muscular beauty emerging from the sea in a barely-there bikini, bronzed, muscles rippling? Few, if any, you might think. But you never know…

Miracles do happen, and last winter, one regular FMS reader, on holiday with their partner in Bali, spotted the kind of dream girl that we all, well, dream about!

Want to hear his story? Of course you do. With visual stimulation courtesy of the hottest teacher in Singapore, the woman I wish my teacher had looked like at primary school, the wonderful, mouth-watering, Melissa Wee

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I was lying next to my woman while she was sunbathing when I spotted an Asian girl lying on the sand close to us who got my mouth watering. An athletic body baked to perfection under the sun, her skin dark and glistening contrasting sooo perfectly with her white tube top and bikini shorts. I believe she is either Chinese or Japanese but she has got to be one of the best Asian girls I’ve ever seen. When she got up I had a clear view of her abs. Flat, tanned, glistening with a silver belly ring and a tribal tattoo!!! I almost came in my shorts!!!

Even though my woman was baked to perfection under the sun, I couldn’t get that girl out of my mind when we had sex. I felt sooo guilty but at the same time we had some of the best sex of our lives. I lost count of the number of times we did it!

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Spotting a muscle babe on the beach makes for a happier holiday all round!

(Female) Muscle Beach of the Day

That gorgeous Tanya Hyde has a remarkable muscular physique to go with her looks should be obvious to anyone. But did you know that Tanya has recently become the first female bodybuilder to hire herself out to her local council as a tourist attraction?


Tanya was signed up to ‘appear’ on the boardwalk on the second and fourth Sundays of the month as part of the municipality’s bid to reinvigorate the area. Tanya just has to turn up in a bikini and ‘preen and pose’, according to her job description. And it’s no surprise that visitor numbers on these ‘Tanya Days’ are on the up. Consequently, local politicians are currently sounding out other female muscle babes with a view to populating the seafront with a bevvy of muscular beauties every Saturday and Sunday.

FMS will be keeping a close eye on how the scheme develops.