August Picture Post: Gym Bodz

Disgust? Intimidation? Arousal? What would your reaction be? (I know it is hard to believe but there are some who would be disgusted at the sight of a genuine female muscle beast at their gym. Or at least they would claim to be disgusted…)

Reasons why it is probably not a good idea to get competitive or try to impress her by lifting as much or more weight than she is: 1. Risk of serious injury. 2. She is hardly going to be impressed if you can only do half a rep with that weight, is she?

Arousal? Looks to me like Marthe Sundby is plenty aroused by the pump she’s got going here. Training is my passion, she says. And she obviously means it.

Intimidation? Looking powerful, feeling powerful. And if you don’t get your scrawny self off that machine and into a far corner of the gym tout de suite, Virginia is going to demonstrate how powerful she is by throwing you through the wall. Yikes!!!

Arousal? Muscles bulging in and out of revealing skin tight gym wear. Mouth-watering muscles, mouth-watering curves. Curves where lesser women don’t even have bits. Superior women know what their muscle curvy bodies do to you. Aleesha knows. Kashma knows. Margie knows. One look and you’re scurrying to the locker room.

Alpha. Gillian won’t take that selfie till the last man/woman has been inimidated out of her space, until her ownership of the gym is absolute. Lisa, meanwhile, well, Lisa loves an audience, loves to have all eyes in the gym on her. Lisa loves a reaction, and judging from the position of the guy on the right’s hands, she’s getting one here.

Be warned. Your fascination for female muscle is limitless, but, as a man, multi-tasking is not your strong point. Attempting any kind of actual lifting while simultaneously checking her muscles out is going to be a fast track to injury and/or humiliation. Do not, under any circumstances, do as this Freitas-fixated fella is doing and attempt to press anything without giving it your full attention. Focus on ONE thing, dude!

Be warned. Tape it down! Seriously, if you know Shannon Peters trains in your gym (or you’ve found out where Shannon trains and made it your gym despite the fact it’s a four-hour round trip) then you only have yourself to blame if everyone can see your mini Mars bar causing a commotion in your gym shorts. What did you think was going to happen? And now you are ‘Stiffy Guy’ to all at the gym. Including Shannon. Doh!


Wings of Strength

I think there’s been a misunderstanding, and I want to clear things up.

More than a few bloggers have been claiming that Jacqueline “Jay” Fuchs wants them to soap/scrub/rinse/dry her back. Well, she doesn’t. It’s me she wants.

Good. I feel better for that.

So much better in fact that I am prepared to show I hold no grudge whatsoever with those making misguided claims concerning the above scenario. Let’s face it, Jay does have a really really wonderful back and all, exactly the kind of back you’d exchange a body part for the chance to soap up, but she isn’t (thankfully) the only muscle angel with such wings of strength. And I’m not a greedy man, so to show there’s no hard feelings, let’s say I get to do Jay, and you can take your pick from the others…

Now, that’s not such a bad deal, is it?

I mean, if I’m prepared to offer you Jill Rudison, Ms Quads Not Included herself, and all her glorious muscular detail above, you know I’m feeling generous. Jill, I’ll say when she pops round for one of her bi-weekly visits to FMS HQ, Jill, I’m sorry I won’t be able to check those cuts out from now on, you’ve had your last special massage off me, I’ll say. But don’t worry, [insert your name here] is going to take over, and he (or she) is quite the muscle worship artist, I’ll say. And I know that he (or she) is really looking forward to getting his (or her) hands on those rhomboids of yours, I’ll say.

Or how about the beautiful Russian figure competitor Olga Chestoperova? Granted, she’s considerably less well-known than La Rudison, but if Olga from behind isn’t rocking your boat, she was recently featured looking absolutely glorious on the mighty PumpItUp, so check that out before you ask me what else I’ve got on offer.

Here (left) we have another of Swell’s big 2014 crushes, the recently-competed Brooke Black, in a selfie that wouldn’t have looked out of place if we had posted it as part of last week’s Muscle in a Dress celebration. Or if Brooke doesn’t appeal (iffy reputation and all), then I’m sure the scenario on the right will. Just take a moment to put yourself in that room (behind the camera, perhaps?) and think about what happens next… And no, I don’t know who they are. A Google Images search turned up “Best Guess – female muscle porn star”(!!!) which hardly narrows it down these days.

Feast your eyes on the beautiful symmetry, the insane definition, and on the big, full muscles all over the piece of female muscle art that Ayanna Carroll has created with her back. Feast your eyes as you imagine the fun you could have if tomorrow was the start of a long weekend, Ayana was in this shape, had just handed you a bottle of oil with the instruction to “use it all”, and you had nothing else to do.

Ok. Some of you, I see, are still playing hardball. Well, perhaps Marthe Sundby‘s post-pump lat spread might make you change your mind about continuing to hold out for Jay. Look: it ain’t gonna happen, pal, so give it up. I am offering you Marthe! I’d tell her to go and do her post-pump posing somewhere else. I’d tell her to go and do her post-pump posing at your place. I would do that for you, I really would.

And if you are still here, then this, I’m afraid is my final offer. Virginia, an oiled up explosion of muscle, and it’s you – YOU – she wants to get top of hers undone (her fingers are a bit on the sticky side you see) so you can really get busy exploring…


And a big shout out to Insane Muscle Girls for bringing the Jay pics to FMS‘ attention – although the ludicrous claim that Jay really wants him, rather than me, to do the soaping does detract from what is otherwise an absolutely flawless blog.

By the way, the timing of today’s post, with its rather contrived title, is no coincidence. Wings of Strength (the website) should be applauded by all of us female muscle heads for their support of female bodybuilding over the last few years, and in Chicago today the latest event made possible by their sponsorship comes to a close.

FMS vs Ryan Takahashi: The Conversation I

Today, Female Muscle Slave and The Adventures of Ryan Takahashi are posting, simultaneously, the first of a series of Q&A ‘conversations’ had between the authors which explore different aspects of our mutual love of female muscle…

So, I guess we should begin at the beginning. Who was your first female bodybuilder? And how did you react?

FMS: For me it was Carolyn Cheshire. She was the first female bodybuilder I ever saw. I must have been 13 or 14 maybe – it’s funny I really can’t remember exactly when it was, but I can recall every detail of ‘the experience’! Carolyn was making an appearance on a popular science show, a show I watched every week just out of interest (and in those days we had only 3 or 4 channels in the UK, so there wasn’t much choice). So, I’m watching as usual and this week it’s about how muscles work or something, and suddenly it’s ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, Carolyn Cheshire…’

She comes onto the set through the audience in an orange posing suit, and I was immediately – and I MEAN immediately – transfixed. I remember how bronzed she was, tanned to absolute perfection and glistening with oil. And she had muscles. And she clearly liked her muscles because she didn’t stop flexing them until the applause died down and the presenter introduced her properly. And after the introduction, she did a lot more flexing.

How did I react? Well, let’s just say Carolyn was by far the most ‘exciting’ woman I had ever seen. I was 100% excited, yeah. She was beautiful, glamorous in a kind of American (ie. exotic!) way, and she radiated vitality and, above all, confidence. And I had never seen a woman with a body like hers. So strong, and so so sexy. Definitely ‘not normal’. But she was showing it off, pretty much all of it, in a studio full of strangers – not to mention the whole country’s living rooms – with total self-assurance.

My excitement quickly turned to utter intoxication. I hear my heart pounding. I feel the throb between my legs. I get a huge rush of adrenaline. And even if I wanted to, I couldn’t stop watching her. I can’t stop looking at her muscles. For the first time, I was feeling what I call ‘The Madness’.

RT: My first ever memory of seeing a female bodybuilder was opening up the 1999 issue of the Guinness Book of World Records and seeing a full color photo of Cory Everson. The picture wasn’t the most sexually appealing of her because it was a contest photo, but that image just burned into my 12-year-old memory. She looked freakish, unhuman and completely different from any woman I’d ever seen before. Like all pre-teen boys, traditional underwear and bikini models – in all their bony, skinny glory – caught my attention. But Cory Everson totally altered my paradigm. My perspective of the aesthetic diversity available within the human female form radically changed for good.

My reaction was a mixture of awe and mild disgust. Her oiled physique, bulging muscles and vascular body slightly repulsed me because I’d never seen anything like that before. But my eyes could not turn away. I intrinsically knew that although I didn’t exactly find her “attractive” in the traditional sense, I knew I had stumbled upon something special, something that would make me look at women differently. I always found myself sneaking peeks from that book and looking at that photo years and years later. There was something about Ms. Everson that burned into my mind. Her body was grotesque, but so damn appealing. Today, I don’t find bodies like that gross anymore. Of course not! But at a very tender pubescent age, my hormone-charged brain struggled to process the unique sexuality Ms. Everson exuded from that singular image.

What is your favorite female muscle-related fantasy? And why do you think you find this so appealing?

RT: Like most female muscle fans, we have many fantasies about our lovely ladies. For me personally, my favorite consists of me and a small army of strong female muscle warriors fighting alongside (in either a post-apocalyptic world or a nondescript medieval kingdom) against a vicious enemy. This enemy could be zombies, other muscular warriors (both male and female), interplanetary space aliens, killer cyborgs attempting to take over the world, dinosaurs, etc. The exact circumstances change, but I can’t stop fantasizing about me and my legion of gorgeous muscular Amazons battling in action.

Many men who love strong women have fantasies related to domination and submission. Not me. While I don’t knock that sort of thing as being “ridiculous” or “just not my thing,” my personal female muscle fantasies don’t have anything to do with me being dominated or me doing the dominating. Instead, I value these strong women as allies and, more or less, equals. Besides, after a long, epic battle to save the human race from total destruction, how else will I and my hundreds of beautiful Amazonian warriors pass the time?

I’ll let you fill in the rest! But rest assured, it would be pretty amazing!

FMS: I’m going to seem like the smart arse who gets granted a wish by the genie and his first wish is to have an unlimited number of wishes! I totally agree about having a lot of fantasies, and I guess my favourite fantasy is I get to have them all, simple as that.

I want to be a muscle woman’s man. The whole thing. Train with her, eat with her, just be with her.

And the sex. Yes, I imagine, I fantasise there would be a lot of it. In my mind muscle women are the horniest women alive. So there would be more than I’ve ever had with any other woman I’ve known, and I have had a bit. There would be a lot more in fact. Yes, of course I want to worship her, to submit to her, but not only that. She’s a woman, sometimes she’ll want me to be a man, to be dominant and strong with her too. All in all, I want us to explore both our sexualities as fully as possible.

I want her to compete, so I get the whole contest prep deal too, watching her body change, the muscles emerging as she diets, watching her get more defined, more perfect every day. I want to be there for her, through that incredibly demanding process. And I want to be there to witness her moment in the spotlight. Give her all the help she needs, be it practical, emotional or anything else. And when she’s got herself that trophy, I want to give her a night worthy of her achievements, a night to remember.

When we’re out in public, I’d watch people react to her. I’d defend her if they were rude, but mostly I’d revel in the admiration they gave MY hot and sexy muscle woman.

I’m greedy, I want it all. Holidays, body hair, mood swings, aggression, self-doubt, self-love, sweat, the chicken breasts, the protein shake farts, watching her muscles swell, feeling her muscles swell, massages, the things in the fridge that are not legal, the single-minded determination…

And best of all would be if I was her man BEFORE she got into it. And you might have read on my blog that the wife IS getting into lifting. Lately I’ve been pinching myself to check it’s really happening. Suddenly, I’m faced with the prospect that (at least some of) my fantasy is actually happening!

to be continued…

What’s your answer to the above questions? Comment below if you care to share. Or perhaps you have a question you would like to pose the authors? Again, comment box below or email either or and we’ll be sure to discuss it in future installments of the conversation.

Muscles of the Week: Glutes

I am completely addicted to those unnatural small, petite muscular butts like Valerie’s! What an achievement in this world of fat asses!
reader response to Pull Up of the Day: Valerie Garcia

Too true, we thought. Time we posted some glutes of granite.

And we are very lucky that FMS‘ very own Professor of the Trained Posterior, Mr C. Moore Glootz, will be guiding you through this week’s Muscles of the Week – lucky not only because of his expertise, but also because a recent incident meant that incarceration at Her Majesty’s Pleasure was a real and present danger for Mr Glootz.

Fortunately, he escaped with a (not insignificant) fine and an order to complete a series of psychiatric sessions. So without further ado, it’s over to C. Moore…

We need to establish when and why this… he looks around the room like the word he needs is floating on the ceiling or something, this… ‘fascination’, this… shall we say, ‘addiction’? Christ! thinks I, we really are going to need all of the ten full hour sessions the judge felt was necessary for the straightening out of C. Moore if this PhDude or whatever is going to take THAT long to ask when I first got into muscle butts.

So I’ve brought some examples along with me, and I tell him all about ‘Luscious’ Laurie, about Erica Kern and Skye Ryland, and I point out what he should be looking out for muscle-wise with the aid of La Ralabate’s fine fine rear. And he’s all nodding and stuff, and then he says I talk about them “as if” they were art. As if!

So I tell him we ain’t seen nothing yet and open the the ‘Special Favourites’ folder and really get into the minutiae of the glututiae. By the time I’m finished, he’s talking all informed, saying Yes, I see, it’s the highly developed gluteus medius that gives the hardcore female bodybuillder such a uniquely shaped bottom and stuff like that. Seems I am a good teacher due to all my enthusiasm for my subject no doubt.

And he keeps asking me, How does this picture make you feel?, emphasising the final word just in case I’m hard of hearing or something. So I tell him all the different joys they bring, especially the ‘Special Favourites’, and he’s taking notes and asking if it’s P-O-P-P-E-R or P-O-P-A and stuff, all interested in my feelings. And of course I’m really starting to feel it because basically he’s getting me to look at Frida’s glootz, really LOOK at them as I talk, and then it’s on to how Ludmila Kolesnikova’s arse looks so much better in a thong than most. And all this starts to get Little C. Moore all woken up.

So as a time-saver I just stand bolt upright, tentpole all proud and stuff, and I guess that I communicated more than enough about my feelings cos the next thing he says is, OK, let’s move on… And he wants to talk about the ‘incident’, like that is the correct word to describe what went down when C. Moore just had to know if that local gym hottie’s butt was really as firm as it looked in those tiny shorts.

Turns out, by the way, it totally WAS as firm as it looked. If not firmer. And I tell him I know from personal experience it’s absolutely not cool to just be touching anything you want to touch, but I also tell him about the power of The Madness. Imagine, I say, if you had been dreaming of these things twenty-four seven for twenty-five years. Imagine, I say, that in all this time you’ve seen very very few such tight tiny hot and hard sets of glootz with your own eyes, and never ever in your place of workout. And imagine, I say, how when she’s all posing in front of the mirror and checking herself out, you know that really she’s posing in front of the mirror so she can check you out checking her out. What would you have done Mr PhDude? Would you really just have walked away for a bit of quiet toilet time in the changing room?

Take your pick, I tell him. Ripped or round? We’re into our fifth session now. And I’ve been loading up my phone with some of the baddest (ie best) muscle butts I can find.

Swear to God, first sight of Marthe Sundby makes him gasp.

He goes all silent so I load up a whole shaft of Marthe’s beauty. He’s weeping by the time we get through them. C. Moore has always had a pet theory, and guys like Mr PhDude are just the ripest subjects to research it. The premise of my theory? There are two types of men in this world. Those who love muscle women, and those who don’t know they love muscle women yet. Seems C. Moore’s got one on the turn for an hour a week. And with Marthe’s help, I’m going to turn him good.

A little more Marthe coming tomorrow…

Candids: Marthe

And we finish our week of candids with the magnificent example of muscular womanhood that is Marthe Sundby, out in public and seemingly wearing nothing but a smile, a T-shirt, and a tan. Quite apart from the sheer sex appeal of Norway’s number 1 muscle goddess arrogantly parading her bare legs and glutes, FMS digs how it’s been taken from behind what looks like a tree, as if the photographer were one of us, consumed by The Madness, compelled to preserve the moment. Of course, she doesn’t mind that you’re following her and snapping away, she knows the power she has over you. In fact, she even turns and flashes you a smile… Yes!

Without a shadow of a doubt, this is FMS‘ Candid of the Year (so far).


Domestic (Muscle) Goddess of the Day

MMMARTHE SUNDBY: A Passion for Life

You’ve probably had enough of muscle women doing nothing but standing in their kitchen this week, so as a reward for all your patience, a bit more variety today as FMS features one of its current female muscle favourites, former speedskater and national bodybuilding champion of Norway, the mouth-watering Marthe Sundby.

But first, the food. Pre-contest diet for Marthe consists, pretty much, of chicken and rice: Chicken and rice all the time. Oatmeal with protein for breakfast. Chicken and rice rest of the day. Seven meals of chicken and rice, and maybe some vegetables! When I get sick of chicken and rice, sometimes I vary with a little roast cod.

Not that she’s complaining though. This is my ‘passion in life’. I love to exercise, love to be in motion. I am very fond of muscles, she says. And I am very very fond of Marthe’s muscles. Probably a bit too fond.

To be honest, I could look at pictures of Marthe watching paint dry and I’d be happy, but I couldn’t find any of those while researching this post. What I did find though, was the rather surprising news that Marthe is single (well, she was according to an article on a Norweigian website in October 2012 anyway).

I also discovered less happy news. Having been Norweigian champ in 2006, Marthe was diagnosed with cancer the following year. I had one foot in the grave, she says, but I fought back. Her win at the National Championships of Norway in 2012 was her first contest back after the battle. And she won.

She’s living proof of the benefits of exercise (and proper EATING). Now 38, Marthe shows no signs of giving up her ‘passion for life’ anytime soon. And that, I think, is VERY good news.

I couldn’t find a clip of Marthe cooking, so here’s an understandably shaky clip (I’d be bloody shaking if I was watching her on stage) of pre-cancer Marthe winning the Norweigian championships in 2006…

And a clip of Marthe training from last year…

What a woman! And a single woman…


Saint Valentina: Slave Loves…

We continue our week of female muscle love with a selection of women currently residing in our favourites folder. Women who have not only built exceptional physiques, but are also strikingly (if unconventionally) beautiful. These women come from all over the world. Some will be familiar, some perhaps less so. Some are at the peak of their careers, others approaching theirs. But every single one of them will make your heart skip a beat.

Prepare to fall in love (or perhaps fall in love again) with…

Deep in the Black Forest of southern Germany is the lair of The Iron Witch, a woman of legendary strength and mythical beauty. Many suitors have entered her domain, but as yet none have returned to tell the tale…
Seriously, she calls herself The Iron Witch, it is in fact the name of her website. Check it out and see if you don’t fall for her 15-inch biceps and those big dark eyes.

We know that this is not only not a real word, but also not actually biologically possible, but with so much prime Spanish beef and so much power inside that sensational body, we have our own nickname for VSM here at FMS, La Tora, the female bull. The matador who takes her on had better be at the top of his game. Olé!

Pros beware. Juanita is coming!
The 2012 NPC Nationals Heavyweight and Overall Champion says, I love posing. We’re not surprised. How many 43-year-olds get to show off a body like that. Without question, Juanita will be a star of the future. In all probability, the very near future.

Like Elvis, no surname necessary.
You can say all you want about her ‘enhancements’, about how it’s spoilt her for you, about how you prefer ‘the natural look’. We ain’t listening, we’re not going to debate you, we’re looking at Aleesha. And what we see is a whole lot of woman. Beautiful, curvaceous, muscular woman. She just looks so… well, juicy.

Princess of Power
Like most readers of the blog (I imagine) I tend to seek my female muscle from within the bodybuilding and fitness scene, paying little or no attention to the sport of powerlifting. Well, thanks to Jessica, it’s got my attention now. Don’t be fooled by the cute smile, this woman could throw you out of your county… in your car. And she’s not just gorgeous, muscular and incredibly strong. Check out her website for more.

Stunningly beautiful, Susanna came to our attention last year at the Arnold Classic Europe. I’m quite shy in real life, says Susanna, but once I’m on stage I open up, I feel great. I love presenting my routine. If that means this stunning beauty will be showing off her genetic gifts again soon, that’s great news. Until then, there’s plenty more of this Hungarian goddess and her sizzling bod on YouTube.

When FMS was compiling our list of favourite examples of German womanhood last year, this prime specimen was, naturally on the list. And when the researchers started to find out about Skadi’s life outside the sport, our admiration grew exponentially. It’s uncanny how often this happens when we research these fabulous women. We find there is so much more to them than their perfect bodies, that invariably they have achieved amazing things in other parts of their lives. Which brings us to…

Ever watched the Winter Olympics and admired the speed skaters’ legs? Well…
Marthe swapped her blades for barbells in the mid-90s, and became national champion in 2006. She disappeared off the radar for a few years, so FMS were delighted when she returned to the stage last year to again clean up at the Norwegian championships. An exceptional sportswoman, and achingly beautiful with it. And those legs…

40 this year, Nancy has three kids, and the kind of Amazonian body that can take your breath away, and that’s exactly what she’s been doing since we first saw her in a backstage contest-shape interview clip last year. Dark, beautiful looks, tanned and oiled, her pumped up muscles glistening, we all fell in love right then and there. But then she spoke… French! Je suis Nancy Richard… [je swee non-see ree-shar] she said. Oh my.

The latest red hot muscle babe to emerge from the Czech Republic, she’s known as ‘Cute Karolina’ and it would be churlish to say that nickname wasn’t appropriate. Five foot tall, five per cent body fat, the kind of beautiful muscle-packed girl you always wished you lived next door to. Follow her on Facebook and/or Bodyspace.

More slushy heart-shaped muscle love tomorrow.
