À la recherche du chaude et dure perdu: Zuzana Korinkova


2. Oh Zuzana

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I’d scan the shelves for new issues then take my chance to furtively leaf through the pages when there was no one else near me, no one who could see what I was looking at, because if anyone did, they’d see what a weirdo I was. Waiting, again, until there was no one at the cash register, unable to look the shop owner in the eye, I’d pay (my hands trembling with excitement) and stuff the magazine into my bag as fast as I could. Relief! The hard part over, my heart pounding inside my chest, I’d rush back home to secretly enjoy the pictures of the amazing women within my precious cargo.

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It’s a scenario apparently familiar to countless fans of female muscle who grew up at the time when a trip to the newsagent’s was the only way to get your fix.

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I would have been in my late teens when I saw these images of Zuzana. They’re images I spent hour upon hour with. So much muscle, so much detail to enjoy. Her meaty, booming bicep; her freaky, granite glutes; triceps whose striations have striations…

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Many years later the internet allowed me to enjoy Zuzana in motion, both on and off stage, and the excitement was barely less intense. Whether it was the younger, leaner Zuzana or the later jaw-droppingly huge Zuzana of so many WPW clips, she was a fascinating, beguiling combination of muscle and beauty. Little wonder she is one of very few women who almost every female muscle lover has on their all-time list.

See another UK female muscle fan’s recollection of these Zuzana images on FMS’ Shared History of Female Muscle Fandom page in the piece entitled The Newsagent’s.

And we leave you today with an edited clip of Zuzana’s legendary white lingerie shoot.


Another trip down female muscle memory lane tomorrow…

Three Heads Are Better Than Two



Your blog, Female Muscle Slave, has many commendable qualities. However, we are writing to bring to your attention the obvious and repeated bias it has shown in favour of our antagonists. This bias, one might even call it a prejudice, has been inherent within the blog from its earliest days, but has, in recent months, become so pronounced we have felt compelled to demand you restore some semblance of balance.


We are, of course, referring to your tireless glorification of the biceps brachii, muscles that are, in every way, inferior and far less important than we, the triceps brachii, are. Not only do we have one more head each than our overrated opposition, but we are also, on average, twice as large.

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It is indisputable that we, not they, are the Daddies of the upper arm. Furthermore, we are considerably more useful. Yet your blog continually and consistently behaves as though we were not there at all.

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At the time of writing, Female Muscle Slave has 156 posts which are tagged “Biceps”, and, as far as we can see, not one tagged with our name. Yet many, in fact, ALL of the women so lauded by your authors for their arm development are, quite plainly, 66% tri, and only 33% bi.

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Unless you take immediate action to begin to redress this preposterous imbalance, the only reasonable conclusion one may draw is that Female Muscle Slave is an institution rampant with anti-tricep sentiment.


A blog, yes, we will say it, rife with tricepophobic prejudice.

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To help you begin the process of rectifying this sorry state of affairs, and as a sign of good faith that Female Muscle Slave will do the right thing, we have, along with a suggested title for the piece, attached a selection of our best images in order to facilitate your prompt action on this matter.


Should you require further examples, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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We look forward to reading your first ever post tagged “Triceps”.

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Yours sincerely,

T. Rice & P. Brachii

Back Back in the Day of the Day

Oh Zuzana!

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Very very big and very very beautiful, Zuzana Korinkova is one of the greatest European muscle women ever. And in case you are under the impression that all female bodybuilders go to pot after they finish competing, here is Zuzana now…

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But it’s the physique she had at turn of the millennium that will always be the image of Zuzana that I cherish. She had it all. Beauty, muscularity and sex appeal in spades.


And in this classic clip, Zuzana delivers despite obvious discomfort with cramp, whipping the crowd into a frenzy even though she is suffering…

And if anyone has this edition of Playboy, Slovakia, March 1998 and cares to share, you can share with me at the usual address!