GIFs of the Week

In a bumper week for GIFs (or my discovery of them at least), it was impossible to choose just one, so, you lucky people, today we have not one, but two magnificent muscle women for your viewing pleasure, in no fewer than FIVE genius gifs.

They are taken from a new Tumblr blog, It Is What It Is. (full stop included), which, I should warn you, is most definitely not safe for work (least of all because of the Health & Safety implications), and is not exclusively a female muscle blog.

To start with, it’s Shannon Courtney. To the power of 3!

At first, she’s all smiles…

But pretty soon Shannon is gurning like a raver…

And you can feel the intensity of her effort as her huge arms (and everything else) assert their power over the iron. Grimacing yet insanely gorgeous, Shannon is oblivious to the guy who seems to have wandered into her domain by mistake, his attempt at looking casual (ie. act as if he hasn’t come to ogle the Queen of the Gym) fails miserably, the gif loop turns him into one shifty-looking mofo!

Just imagine what the view must be like from back there. The Courtney glutes snug inside her tight light blue leggings, her lats and rear delts exploding out of her vest as she curls the weight… No wonder his hands are in his pockets!

And meanwhile, in another gym on the other side of town…

Dana Capobianco is feeling rather good about her chest.

Now, I am putting these gifs in the opposite order to the original poster for good reason. Drink in the muscle (above), because the second one is all about the expression on Dana’s face – although the viewer should spend a little time looking at Dana’s top and noting that her pump has extended to, has stimulated, all parts of her chest…

That look off camera with the tongue action and the smile – I don’t know who or what she is looking at, but if I was it, I think I would just die right there – then her eyes roll back in ecstasy as she clenches her teeth, hits the pose, and ripples..

I think I need a lie-down.


#my gifs on deliciousyleftarcade

Peak of the Day

Is it the fact that there is another woman with a more conventionally-shaped arm in the picture? Is it the look on Rene’s face (look at her eyes) that says she LOVES this kind of attention, a look that suggests she doesn’t even own a top that has sleeves?

Or is it simply the damn size of that thing?!

Lawdy, what a picture!!!

You know, I’m beginning to think it’s the look, the love of the attention…


Peaks of the Day: The Look of Love

It doesn’t seem to matter whether they’ve just started their mission to muscle or they’re a big name fbb with years of growth behind them. If photographic evidence is anything to go by, muscular women just can’t get enough of their own biceps.

And why not? Even if the woman in question is more naturally muscular than most, she still needs to do her curls. Even if certain substances are used, those peaks aren’t going to rise if she spends her time sat on the sofa watching The Jeremy Kyle Show.

And when she’s doing those curls, focusing her thoughts into the muscle, isn’t it the done thing to look at it? She’s willing it to grow before her very eyes, watching it get bigger, thicker, fuller and peakier with every rep. Yes, Dani! Do it! Grrrrrrr!

But apparently exercising the muscle isn’t the only time she wants (needs?) to see it at its proudest. Any excuse will do. Take Mona Muresan (below) – is it just me or is Mona getting a bit emotional about that (highly impressive) peak of hers?

Look at the camera, Marcie… Look at the camera real quick… Just wanna get one shot into camera Marcie… Looking great, Marcie… eyes to camera now…

I wonder if the amount of time spent in loving gaze is in any way proportionate to the size of the muscle. Does the self-adoration grow as the muscle does? To find out you’d have to spend a lot of time with women of varying levels of muscularity and record in detail how often they checked out their own flexed biceps. Then watch how this changes as they grow… Someone should do that. I should do that. As soon as I’m done with this post, I think I’ll make an application for funding from The Pennypacker Foundation. I’d have to study a lot of them to get truly definitive results. I’d have to study a lot of them over a long period of time to gather sufficient evidence.

I might need some volunteers to help out…

But not with Oana. I’ll study Oana myself thank you very much.


The Look of Love previously on FMS: Biceps, Abs, & Mirror Mirror

Gif of the Week

From one of our 2013 Women of the Year (Georgina) to another as Sexy Sophie Arvebrink pumps up (Look at her! OMG!!!) in this week’s gif selection.

Doesn’t that just set off all sorts of bad bad thoughts???

What’s that? More you say? Well, OK then…

Had enough?

Thought so, but seeing as you’ve had the two, you may as well have the full set, but like the online poker ads say, just remember to enjoy Sexy Sophie responsibly…

Genius by Female Fitness & Bodybuilding, whose no nonsense tagline tells us These women are bigger and stronger than you. You are a pathetic excuse for a man!


한국인 of the Day: Lee Jin Won

Stunning Asian female bodybuilder Lee Jin Won would not look out of place in one of those magazine lists of ‘the 10 most beautiful women in the world’, said Real Female Bodybuilding in October 2013. The 35-year-old 5’4″ [1.63m] fitness athlete with a string of titles to her name presents an incredible blend of old-fashioned ‘Ms World’ type feminine beauty and a rather more modern rock hard physique.

And ripped, very ripped for a fitness/bodyfitness competitor. And those ABS! Perhaps not quite as wonderful at first glance as those of her compatriot Park Soo Hee, but what it’s what Lee Jin Won does with them (especially when she’s on stage), that makes her infinitely more exciting. She KNOWS they are incredible, and OMG does she let you know that she knows. Witness, for example, this abstastic 7½-minute compilation (from the marvellously named Hardslammer’s You Tube channel).

I bet some of you won’t make it past what happens in the first few seconds, but if you do, you will be rewarded with highlights that include backstage abs rolling from the 15-second mark, looped AND slowed down for your viewing pleasure – nice work Mr Editor – and on stage abs rolling from about 1.15. And there is still another 5+ minutes to enjoy after that, so you really need to pace yourselves on this one!

Ain’t she just a HEARTBREAKER? Very hard to believe this woman was around 35 when the majority of these pics and video were taken, as some sources report. Easier to believe she was born in 1987, as other sources claim, putting her in her 20s.

See, what I’m HOPING is that the reason why we haven’t heard much about her this year is that she’s on a mission for muscle. That the fact she so obviously enjoys showing it off means she’s made the decision that she needs to get bigger before moving up to physique. Imagine! That ‘Ms World’ (Korean style) beauty with bigger and bolder muscles, rolling those abs all over the stage as the crowd goes WILD…

Want more?

Another Hardslammer compilation

Contest footage from 2013 from her very own You Tube channel


Talking with Her Coach AND Working Out (with English subtitles)

August Picture Post: Rivers of Blood

Even if you happen to be the kind of guy (or girl) who is open about their attraction to muscular females, you probably leave this particular aspect of it unsaid (I imagine). Not an easy thing for the non female muscle head to, er, get their head round this one, if possible at all. In fact, do we even truly understand our own endless fascination for the mighty rivers of blood that traverse the muscles of our goddesses?

Perhaps they are just another example of the “otherness” of the female bodybuilder. Sure, there are some naturally vascular women out there (just as some FBBs are naturally more vascular than others), but being covered from traps to calves in pulsating cord-like veins only seems to occur in our beloved muscle babes.

Perhaps they serve as our guidelines for worship. Are them veins showing us exactly where to lick/kiss/touch for her pleasure? Unfortunately, I have never had the chance to put this theory to the test so I’ll have to take someone else’s word for it, but I have been told that if you tap the inner base of a flexed female bicep it activates a neural pathway that runs all the way to the vaginal wall, so that does make me think there might be something to it. Anyway, if true, it’s yet another good point to make when explaining your sthenolagnia to friends, family or therapist (“You don’t even have to find their erogenous zones! They’re all marked!!!”). Nice idea, isn’t it?

And that would mean that for some, if not most, if not ALL, female bodybuilders, well, that erogenous zone pretty much covers their whole body. Yep.

Returning to something akin to reality [surely not! – ed.], perhaps we should just file these under “Freaky and I Love It!” and not worry ourselves too much with the whys and wherefors. Let’s just sit back, relax and get our vascular freak on.

And there are few freakier and (therefore) few sexier sights in the female muscle lovin’ world than pulsating rivers of blood adorning magnificently muscled legs. Now I’m not normally a “quad” type of guy, but I have to confess that if you delve into the freakier corners of the FMS collection, you’ll find plenty of this sort of thing.

These women embrace their “otherness”, and it’s not just about the veins that adorn their muscles, it’s the muscles themselves. They celebrate their freakiness, delight in being different. They revel in their rivers of blood and make no apologies for doing so. Maybe the confidence that takes is the key to the attraction of it after all. Or maybe it’s just that I’m wired to find, say, the vascular mosaic of Margie Martin‘s quads (below) every bit as unique and beautiful as a work of art – and a lot more erotic!

And finally today, a little nostalgia: the “classic” vascularity of Robin Parker.

Giffed for your pleasure by Erotic Muscle Beasts on Tumblr


Gif AND Tube of the Week: Alana Shipp

I hope you will all let me know AS SOON AS you have had enough of me presenting you with the glorious muscle goddess Alana Shipp, because unless you do – BE WARNED – you’ll have to put up until I have had enough of Alana and her magnificent mouth-watering muscles – and that doesn’t look like it is going to happen any time soon.

Our first offerings today are courtesy of another whose Alana fascination seems to know no bounds. We featured sexyfemalemusclefan‘s previous gif tribute to Alana a couple of weeks ago, and see no reason not to feature his latest Alana-themed post as well. Taken from clips originally seen on Female Muscle Clips and HD Physiques, we get up close and personal with some freakily exciting muscularity in this series, which you can see along with another couple of similar gifs, on the original post.

And if you can take any more, check out RxMuscle‘s interview with Alana as she trains back and biceps below. Definitely a must for fans of wide, juicy backs and pumped up peaks, pushed to the limit. Fans of lush, deep and sexy female bodybuilder voices will also want to click play. And no matter how much you enjoy the gym action, you’ll want to keep watching as Alana does some posing practice from 7.30 until the very end.

Follow Alana via Facebook and Instagram as she prepares for Tampa and beyond.
