C.Moore Glootz’s Fun from Rear


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C. Moore is AWARE the left above image isn’t REAL, but is there just to illustrate conventional rear shape. Kind of shape that’ll win you Rear of the Year – twice! (he snorted). The shape of the glootiful muscle butt is, note, way different (see right).

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More important, conventional butt is ALWAYS the same shape. Hard muscle butt is all changeable depending on the pose, the heels, the flexions, etc. And therefore is, even to C. Moore with his low boredom threshold, ENDLESSLY fascinating.


Every time she moves – a NEW butt! And better still, left gloot flexed one way, right flexed another… TOTALLY DIFFERENT shapes although SAME butt! Like two for the price of one (of your favourite product). What, pray tell, is not to like?

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To summarise. One-shape fits all conventional butt is DULL, samey. Shape-shifting muscle butt is INTERESTING as forever reforming into glootiful new shapes.



C. Moore Glootz’s Fun from Rear: NSFW

Glootz ridged like McCoys crisps. C. Moore wants to break his teeth on them, get them fixed and go back and do it all over again. End up looking like that Jaws guy from 007. Never gonna learn my lesson. Harder than hard. Granite glootz GOOD.


So my boss caught me looking at this at work. Probably a bad move surfing granite glootz at that time but C. Moore has NEEDS. Long story short I told him it was my cousin’s wife and apologised for checking personal shit at work. Not cool.

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Bad to worse. He got the IT dept watching my activities. C. Moore was of the idea that using personal devices to download granite gloot pics at work was going to be cool but turns out things can be traced. Who knew? Official warning.

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Protan gloot granite before the show is a heavenly gift. But not when it arrives in your inbox at work and the boss has got literally every other mofo in the room keeping their beady eyes on you. Of course I view the attachments. Maryse and Cathy are some kind of glootal angels with their bodies all hard and bronzed and needing the oil application real soon. Next day I’m up in front of the boss, his boss, and some jelly woman from HR who keeps giving me evils. C. Moore didn’t have much defence. I was out of there faster than Dave Cameron exiting a Euro summit.

Be warned!