IWD and the FBB

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Here at FMS, we like to think that we celebrate women, or muscular women at least, every day. But last Sunday, International Women’s Day, was the official day for the whole world to do so. It’s celebrated in different ways in different regions, ranging from a general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women’s economic, political, and social achievements.

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And although we were in the middle of the posting frenzy of the The FMS Hot and Hard 100 on the day, we like to think we are ever-diligent, and couldn’t fail to miss an article on the International Women’s Day Global Hub by news blogging legend zennie62.

The article had originally appeared on zennie62blog.com on IWD 2013, with the title Get Strong for Change, and featured Sarah Hayes and Kortney Olson.

The article argues that Sarah, Kortney and by extension all FBBs are the epitome of female empowerment, and as such are the perfect poster girls for International Women’s Day. It’s partly their physical strength that empowers them, but more importantly than that, it’s their attitude because, the author points out, They don’t wait for others to empower them, they empower themselves.

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It’s a passionate and obviously personal piece of writing that gives female bodybuilders the kind of praise you would only normally find in places like, well, FMS.

Personally, I’ve liked women who were, as they say, buffed, or athletic, since I was 14 years old. I never grew up with the idea that a woman had to be weaker than me, or that I had to be able to physically control a woman, the author tells us.

And there’s a simple and direct message for the female muscle haters: For those who think there’s something wrong with women who have muscle, please get over it. That idea must be jettisoned from the World’s society, and the sooner the better. Let’s start by celebrating female bodybuilders, passionately, and openly!

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Meanwhile, over in Brazil (fabled land of quality female muscle – see FMS passim), FMS reader Francisco, formerly known as O Carteiro, the blogger and artist who in the past brought us Cartas de Musculosas, Super Trunfo Musculosas, and Blog das Musculosas, was inspired to celebrate IWD 2014 by combining pictures of some of his (and our) favourite FBBs with some of his favourite quotes on female empowerment.

FMS is honoured that Francisco has allowed us to feature his work, and have chosen a few faves from the 32 he sent us to illustrate today’s post, but you, dear reader, can download all of them and select your own favourites if you prefer.

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Dedicated, with thanks, to O Carteiro

Domestic (Muscle) Goddess of the Day

Sunday is Muscle Barbie Day

[That’s ‘barbie’ as in Australian English for ‘barbecue’, not as in ‘Barbie and Ken’.]

My kind of Sunday. Amanda Folstad cooks up some good-looking meat as a reward for me mowing the lawn, but it’s not nearly as appetising as her beefy arm. I, for one, would love to give that a squeeze before sinking my teeth into it.

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You’d think Kortney Olson would know a thing or two about a good ‘barbie’ as she’s now based down in Oz. But judging by this pic, she doesn’t seem to have realised you’re supposed to actually cook something on it. Hard to be critical though when she’s dressed like that. Thighs and heels specially for you, Aiden. Enjoy!

More sizzling (literally) female muscle tomorrow.

Hot and Hard

It’s been a while since we had one of our regular Hot and Hard posts, showcasing some of the most lens-meltingly hot images of our kind of women that our researchers have lovingly gathered for your viewing pleasure, accompanied by the kind of ramblings that can get a man committed if he’s not careful. So let’s not waste any more time and get straight to it.

Su Farrell
I wonder if you are reminded, as I am, of the Angel of the North by this lovely lady’s rooftop pose. Imagine a city overlooked by a huge sculpture of a muscle woman. Imagine every city so. Something to encourage the inhabitants to look up once in a while. A new project for Mr Gormley perhaps? ‘More definition this time please Ant…’

Female Muscle Slave loves technology
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Especially the technology that makes this possible. Self-portrait photography is so ridiculously easy now, and it’s also simpler than ever to share your efforts. And thsnk the Lord it is so. Suddenly there are hundreds of thousands of images of fit, sexy women out there. In fact there are whole feeds devoted to just these kinds of images, so we don’t even have to search for them. It sure beats the old days, waiting for magazines to come out for a handful of images of muscular women. And while they are never going to win any photography prizes, it is amazing what can be achieved with a decent lens, a steady hand, and a tight, toned muscular bod, as these pics demonstrate. Well done to all of them!

My new acronym, J-MEG stands for Just Muscular Enough Girl (for the more mature ladies, this could be adapted to J-MEW, Just Muscular Enough Woman). Think it will catch on? The hottie on the right here is the J-MEG, by the way. If you check the calves on the angel on the left, you’ll find she’s a P-MEG: Plenty Muscular Enough…

Love the Lean Meat
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The irony for me when some ‘fans’ have digs at the leaner meats is that when I first got into female muscle many many years ago, the top bodybuilders were about as muscular as today’s fitness and figure competitors!

Be Warned
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Neither Dovila Simanaviciute nor Andrea Brazier can go out in public without a guy waving a red flag in front of them to prevent the kind of chaos that such extreme sex appeal can leave in its wake. Most recently, Dovila was responsible for the deaths of several sailors after a walk along the docks in Vilnius. Andrea, meanwhile, was forced to leave her native Brazil and move to Britain, a country where the climate necessitates covering up in public, because health services were unable to deal with the number of heart failures she brought on while strolling along Copacabana beach. Citizens are advised, upon seeing either Dovila or Andrea, to close their eyes immediately and run in the opposite direction.

They Love Us
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Really, they do. Check it out: My best friend and boyfriend is the most positive role model because he is one of the few men who isn’t intimidated by strong women. He knows that women can be just as strong, if not stronger than him, and he celebrates that. We have to give credit to those men that are fighting the ‘strong is sexy’ fight right along side us. 
Let’s keep up the good work, men! (From What Makes A Great Female Bodybuilder)

*[bottom left picture complies with new Female Muscle Slave policy of at least one picture of Holland Canter per post] Approved – ed.

Double Take
Is it just me or does she remind you of Dayana Cadeau? I’ve been looking at her for hours, and I’m still not 100% convinced that it isn’t. Does she have a younger sister? A clone? Seriously, is it just me, or is this lovely spookily similar (in a good way)?

And finally…
Mallory Haldeman gives Female Muscle Slave an exclusive preview of her costume for the first annual FMS fancy dress party. According to Mallory, she’s coming as the sexiest librarian in the world.


It’s A Dog’s Life


Want to be a female bodybuilder’s bitch? Or maybe just their dog?
Coming back as one in the next life may be the only way…

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This unknown hottie isn’t just into exercising her own body. She’s also sensitive to her pooch’s needs. And what it needs is a bit of parklife.

A powerful lady needs a powerful lady to keep her under control. No problems here for Wilyporn Wannaklang then. They are probably both a little frightening when worked up and in heat. Frightening in a good way.

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Tammy Jones, Fanny Palou and Lisette Valdes with their pampered pooches. Tammy’s kitty seems to be slightly jealous of not being the centre of attention, while Lisette’s looks particularly amazed with his luck.

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Muscle girls next door. And their dogs.

I’ve posted this before, wondering whether this dog wouldn’t rather chew on Christa Bauch‘s bicep than his rubber whatever. She’s obviously having fun though.

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The lovely Merle Mohr and not one, but two dogs. It’s obvious which is her favourite though. Is it wrong to be jealous of a dog?

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Merle isn’t the only one who has more than one dog in her life. Here’s Fanny again, with a different dog to above. One for out and one for home? Also, Dena Westerfield seems to be scaring the shite out of her Afghan, reminding us she is a doctor, not a vet.

A major hunkess like Tazzie Colomb can handle more than one. The lady in the middle is working her way towards that,starting small. KO could handle more, but chooses to stick to one for now. A big strong one.

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Man’s best friend? Not if you are losing out on your muscle woman time because she’s getting naked with her canine! Sarah De Herdt and Annie Riveccio get intimate. Cross-species love can go too far! Not that the dogs seem to be complaining.

Look at him! He is checking out Brandi Akers‘ juicy bicep and licking his lips. Are we thinking what he’s thinking? Lucky mutt!
