August Picture Post: Sexy Selfies

Welcome to another installment of Sexy Selfies. Themes today include casual gym flexing, hand bras, mighty quads, and abs at their most rippedest. Heidi Vuorela, a woman I’d LOVE to know the name of, Emery Miller, and the marvellously monikkered Kallioph Matraka (you heard) get us up (wink) and running.

Jaimie Bernhardt
Fitness Model, jaimelynnfitness on Instagram

Virginia Sanchez Macias
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder, Ifbb Pro Virginia Sanchez Macias on Facebook

Looking Good, Feeling Good
I don’t know who this lovely below is, but I know what I think she’s thinking, trying to look all casual and everything as she admires her muscle sexy self and particularly that beautiful bulging shoulder of hers. And she’s about to share it all with the world.

Shayla Turcotte
CBBF Physique Competitor, shaylaturcotte on Instagram

‘Twas the night before the 2014 CBBF Nationals, and all through the hotel, not a creature was stirring, ‘cept Shayla Turcotte, who was taking pictures of her shredded abs and thinking about how much she loves her contest ready body…

Asha Coulthard
IFBB Bikini, asha coulthard on Instagram

What a lovely colour!

Tanya Hyde
NPC Physique Competitor, her website

A professional chef who is “funnier than you”, and, in my opinion, a woman who can smell the emerging hot fan dream female muscle talent a mile off. Shannon? Tanya was in there before anyone else. Dani? Same again. Plenty of both on her website. Did you know she was born in Australia? Was news to me. And it looks like Tanya’s got a grow on. Maybe hanging out with Shannon and Dani is pushing her that little bit more. Maybe it’s just all part of the Hyde masterplan for physique domination.


Emery Miller posing at the 2014 Toronto Pro (from watatiwatatio)


Legs in Leggings: Curve Theory

Just the same as when they pack their beautiful physiques into tight dresses, muscle women in skin-tight leggings emphasise how curvy their bodies are. Exhibit A is Sarah Backman (below), eight-time World Armwrestling Champion and WWE superstar in the making. Note the way the fabric of her Brazil-themed leggings bulge out from below her hips and then, in a seemingly perfect arc, curve back in above her knees, before her calves produce a smaller, but no less perfect, effect below them.

Whether from in front or behind, the curves are there for all to see. And when I, or, I dare say you, dear reader, look at Sarah or at other muscular women, it is those curves that we see. (Interestingly, the guy on the left seems truly dumbfounded that she has lost this particular match, which, given her prowess at the sport, is an understandable reaction. Although she looks truly mouth-watering in them, maybe these leggings simply aren’t lucky ones for Sarah.)

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes! The curves. As I was saying, we see the curves. Look at the beautiful (and curvaceous) Olga Belyakova (above). Curves, right? Curves all over, and, due to the tightness of her legwear, the curves of her thighs and calves are especially noticeable.

left: Dayana Cadeau – please show me a part of Dayana’s body that isn’t curvy?!
right: Kristina Krstic from an extremely interesting angle

Now, guys who don’t like muscle women – or say they don’t anyway, but that’s a debate for another day – often, though not always, also comment that they like their women ‘curvy’. So, herein lies the paradox. We see muscular women and say they have curves everywhere, but they see muscular women and accuse them of having none at all. Weird, isn’t it?

left: Victoria Dominguez seems to be getting curvier all the time
right: Suzy Kellner – would she really be unappealing to ‘most’ men?

It’s not like most of us can actually have a discussion about this with one of our friends who isn’t into muscle women, unfortunately. I’ve always thought it would be fascinating if I could, but have never managed it, even though a few of them do know about my female muscle preference. So we’re hardly likely to gain much understanding of our opposing positions on the curve issue any time soon.

left: Big Brigita Brezovac; right: Big Annie Riveccio

My pet theory is that they are in denial and we are enlightened, but then again I would say that, wouldn’t I? Maybe it is as simple as the fact that these things are subjective and we all have our own little fetishes. All the same, I’m glad my little fetish is for the most curvaceous women in the world!

Here’s an example of what I mean. You and I are looking at the lovely (and curvy) Heidi Vuorela (above) stretching her sponsor’s leggings, and maybe, due to the ‘mirror’ effect, you are imagining Heidi cloning herself, not once, but enough times to make a Heidi for every one of us. Meanwhile, those who don’t appreciate muscle women are, well, living in a world where they don’t know who Heidi is, probably.

Makes you feel kind of lucky, doesn’t it?

And, a little bonus clip (for you lucky people) featuring two of the women illustrating my insane (inane?) ramblings today. Suzy Kellner (in rather fetching leggings) being trained by Dayana Cadeau. Think it sounds like another of my fantasies? Well, yes, it is, but this one turned out to be true! And they even cuddle a little.


Heidi V of the Day

And we finish this week-long tribute to Heidi V with some extracts from her blog and some of our favourite images of Heidi and, most importantly, Heidi’s lovely muscles…

Working from 1pm and getting home after 11 at night is hell. Have to clear my emails and I’m going to the hairdresser to get hair extensions, will probably take a couple of hours, then exercise, sunbed, fix costumes and run over the accessories I need [for the contest]… Cannot keep up! Why are there so few hours in the day?!?!


Terribly good and healthy!

250g light cream cheese
70g rolled oats
2 tsp cocoa
30g chocolate & hazelnut whey protein
50g toasted chopped hazelnuts

Mix all ingredients in a bowl except the nuts. Toast the hazelnuts in a dry pan. Coarsely chop the nuts and mix them into the batter. Allow to stand for about 30 minutes in the fridge, roll into balls and roll them in the coconut and eat!

I apparently had a bird in the grill of the car when I was driving to work today. Grilled poultry, yummy!

And finally, here is Heidi’s trailer from her fitvidsuk shoot. And trust me, you really really do want to turn the sound up for this one. Right up. Right up to 11.


Heidi V of the Day

Heidi wins!

And now all the years of hard work have started to pay off for our woman of the week. Just before Christmas last year, Heidi won her class at Sweden’s biggest bodybuilding show, the Luciapokalen.

Unsurprisingly for a woman who is happy to photograph herself on a daily basis and post the results online, Heidi looks right at home on the contest stage.

On her blog, Heidi reacted to her victory with customary honesty: God what a surreal weekend! I took both the gold medal in bodybuilding +55kg and won the award as the year’s best poser. Sooo nervous and thought I would faint when I heard I won! Totally sick! I am so fucking happy!

And here is her routine from the show…

Congratulations Heidi!

Heidi V of the Day

Heidi Dressed Up

Like all good rock chicks, Heidi likes a bit of denim, and she also knows how to glam it up (a sort of funky punky glam, but glam nonetheless) while never forgetting to show off her delectable physique and mouth-watering muscles as she does so.

The gold dress on the right below is a particular FMS favourite. Sizzling!

Bonus: a full five minutes of Heidi in the gym


Heidi V of the Day

Heidi Light and Dark

Swell, as regular readers will know, loves a blond who goes brunette. All in all we’re not sure it really worked for Heidi, but we’re not going to say she doesn’t have the right to experiment with as many hair colours as she pleases.

Dark Heidi looks a little like Light Heidi’s evil twin, don’t you think?

Bonus: Rocky Balboa Crunches from Heidi’s own youtube channel


Heidi V of the Day

Beautiful (Muscle) Freak

It’s not easy to work out what colour Heidi’s eyes actually are, but there’s no questioning that bone structure.

As these pictures show, she has lost none of her natural beauty as a result of her weight training. Yet another woman (how many more do there need to be before the ignorant learn?) who exposes the lie that muscular women and beauty are mutually exclusive.

Heidi’s look, it seems to me, is, like her lifestyle, far from conventional, and consequently she’s all the more appealing. She says, You should not do something because you think someone else wants you to do it in that way. I personally do not like people that try to be like everyone else, but those that are unique in themselves and their own way.

Enjoy! More of Heidi tomorrow.

Heidi V of the Day

Candid Heidi at Work, Rest and Play

As mentioned yesterday, Heidi works in a print plant in Sweden. Shift work, long hours. I doubt there are many other workers (male or female) with such well-developed triceps. Or such large pockets for that matter.
Heidi likes to rock. And Heidi looks great in a vest. Even when she’s rocked so hard that she has to lie down.

Beauty and the Beach
Heidi in Thailand (where she travelled with her “guy” (sigh)) in February 2011.

Heidi’s Night Out
Ladies should clearly beware of drinking with Heidi. Not only does it seem that you will be in serious danger of ending the night with an arm wrapped around the toilet bowl, but you would also have spent the entire evening being virtually invisible next to a muscular vision of beauty attracting all the male attention. Not good for your self-esteem either way…

Heidi at the Show

Short but hot hot hot…

Enjoy! More of the divine Miss V tomorrow…

Heidi V of the Day

Heidi Vuorela has been on the FMS radar for a good few years now, and we have featured pics of her in various posts in the past. However, we felt it was time to devote a whole week to this tattooed, Scandinavian, curry-loving, hard-rockin’ ‘muscle freak’ because, well, because we can.

In the unlikely event that you haven’t already come across Heidi, the facts are that she’s originally from Finland but lives in Sweden. She’s a printer by trade, and has been training seriously since 2003.

We like Heidi for a lot of reasons, some of which will become clear during the week, and others we should probably keep to ourselves, but one of the most important is the fact that since 2008, Heidi has been putting it all out there on her blog.

And a fantastically entertaining blog it is. You can learn all about Heidi’s training, sure, and she loves a bit of self-photography (in fact almost all of the images we’ll post this week are Heidi’s own). All good. But Heidi’s blog is so much more than that. She puts it all up there, and she’s passionate and funny with it. It’s a great read, even if Google Translate doesn’t always make it easy!

There are recipes, recommendations for online gambling, brushes with the Swedish police, her favourite music videos, coffee addiction, how “catastrophically fucked up” her weekend has been, and much much more.

We begin Heidi week today on FMS, courtesy of her blog, with Heidi’s evolution, her muscular development from 2008 to 2013.

left: showing off her guns, 2008
right: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, 2009

left: Hot Stuff, 2010
right: ripped at the EXPO, 2011

left: drinking and driving (?!), 2012
right: pumped, 2013

More Heidi tomorrow. Don’t forget to visit her blog!